OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

AlloAid Crunch, DBM Putty
• Available in flowable, formable putty and crunch in syringe
• Donor recovery and screening performed according to AATB and FDA guidelines
• Crunch consists of DBM putty & cortical cancellous bone chips

100% Cancellous Bone Sponge Cubes
• Moldable, sterile, demineralized/compressive bone matrix
• Cut and molded as needed, sponge-like fit and fill capabilities
• Natural porous scaffold for encourages osteoconductivity and promotes vascularization and stimulates new bone growth
• Add bone marrow aspirate or platelet rich plasma to create a composite graft

Representation of SAL (Sterility Assurance Level). Designates the occurrence a living microorganism surviving the sterilization process. SAL of 10-6 designates the possibility of finding an unsterile product will be 1 in a million. While other sterilization methods have also been shown to inactivate viruses, they can be detrimental to the biological and physical properties of allograft bone. (https://i2b-usa.com/in2bones-home-page/home-2/)

In2Bones USA Website

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