OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

BioV® Bioactive Matrix is a novel bone graft substitute expressly designed to optimize surgical handling, graft stability and osteoproductivity.

Bioactive Glass
Bioactive Glass is an osteoconductive and osteopromotive material that guides new bone formation.
• Forms an exceedingly strong interfacial bond between the graft and adjacent boney tissue within minutes
• Triggers the mechanisms that cause differentiation and proliferation of osteoblasts
• Boosts the activity of critical growth factors needed for bone formation
• Accelerates the process of osteogenesis
• Additionally, in vitro studies demonstrate that ionic release (Ca++) and local pH changes inherent to bioactive glass create an unfavorable environment for growth of certain microbes. Bioactive Glass characteristics are based on in vivo and animal data

Demineralized Allograft Bone
Demineralized allograft bone is an osteoconductive scaffold with osteoinductive potential to facilitate new bone formation
• Each lot of DBM is evaluated for osteoinductive (OI) potential using an in vivo athymic rat model
• Processed to achieve a sterility assurance level (SAL) of 10-6
• Surface roughness of DBM particles allow for the migration and proliferation of osteogenic cells
• Demineralization process exposes natural morphogenic proteins in the bone matrix, making them available for osteogenesis

A novel and patented process that integrates the osteoinductive and osteoconductive elements of the product
• Rapidly reconstitutes and is easily prepared
• Product is moldable, extrudable and can be packed into osseous defects
• Resists migration during irrigation allowing the active components to stay in place (https://i2b-usa.com/in2bones-home-page/home-2/)

In2Bones USA Website

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