OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

The HTO wedge allograft is shaped for use in high tibial osteotomy procedures. The HTO wedge is sterilized through the BioCleanse® Tissue Sterilization Process and is terminally sterilized using a validated method to achieve a Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) of 10-6. The HTO Wedge provides a natural scaffold for bone growth and eliminates significant harvest site morbidity that may result from autograft removal.

Features & Benefits
• Functions as a natural biologic scaffold, allowing for complete incorporation over time
• May remodel with the patient’s own bone
• Can be easily customized to shape and size using commonly available surgical instruments
• Additional terminal sterilization after BioCleanse® Tissue Sterilization Process achieves SAL 10-6 (http://www.rtix.com/en_us/)

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