OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

BIOPRO® Resurfacing Hip System Benefits

• Cobalt Chrome Hemiarthroplasty.
• Design has been successfully implanted since 1951.
• Curved stem for proper implant positioning.
• Partial resection technique removes 1/3 of the femoral head, removing the AVN affected bone.

The BioPro® Total Articular Replacement Arthroplasty is a conservative, bone preserving prosthesis used as a hemi-arthorplasty. The implant requires the resection of one third of the femoral head. Preserving the maximum amount of bone possible.

It is an excellent option for avascular necrosis or arthritis of the hip where the acetabular cartilage is still in good condition. The implant provides patients with an excellent option over conventional hip replacement. In the event that total replacement is necessary in the future, minimum resection required for the BioPro® implant allows for sufficient bone stock for conversion to a primary total hip.

Biopro Website

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