OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

The DELTA XTEND™ System is a total semi-constrained shoulder arthroplasty. It reverses the normal relationship between the scapular and humeral components, moving the scapulo-humeral joint center of rotation medially and inferiorly. By doing this, it increases the deltoid lever arm as well as the deltoid tension therefore allowing the muscles of the deltoid group to compensate for rotator cuff deficiency. Each design feature of the Delta XTEND Reverse Shoulder System was chosen to accelerate recovery, optimize function and maximize survivorship.

The DELTA XTEND™ Shoulder Monobloc Humeral Stem is designed for cemented fixation, while the Modular Humeral Stem is designed for cementless fixation. The glenoid component is cementless with four screws as primary fixation and HA coating for secondary fixation. (https://www.depuysynthes.com/)

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