OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

The ilium tricortical strip is used in procedures that restore segmental bone loss in the extremities, pelvis and spine due to trauma, osteoporosis, removal of tumors, or to aid in the surgical correction of a deformity. These grafts are pre-cut to select lengths to reduce OR prep time and, after being processed through RTI's BioCleanse® Tissue Sterilization Process, they are terminally sterilized in their final packaging to achieve a sterility assurance level (SAL) of 10-6.

Features & Benefits
• Available freeze-dried or frozen
• Rendered safe and biocompatible through the BioCleanse® Tissue Sterilization Process
• Additional terminal sterilization after BioCleanse achieves SAL 10-6 (http://www.rtix.com/en_us/)

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