OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

PediGuard® is the only device that can consistently and accurately predict cortical wall perforations during pedicle preparation. It uses the conductivity of tissue around the bipolar tip of the probe (device) to accurately predict the type of tissue that the device is being inserted into.

The surgeon receives continuous and real time information via the changes in pitch and cadence of an audio signal and a flashing LED light.

• Cortical bone has low pitch, slow cadence
• Cancellous bone has medium pitch, medium cadence
• Periosteum and blood have high pitch, fast cadence

This parameter allows for discrimination between different materials in the vertebral body. The PediGuard® technology is available in a wide range of shapes and sizes of probes to suit a surgeon’s preference.

Curved PediGuard offers a curved working end that allows the surgeon to redirect.

Cannulated PediGuard features a detachable electronic handle that can be mounted on a custom made jamshidi needle (trocar and bevel tip) with propriety sensors to give a surgeon continues and real-time feedback.

With mounting clinical evidence confirming its efficacy, PediGuard is becoming the compelling solution to the clinical needs associated with safe and accurate pedicle screw placement.
• 98% breach detection
• 87% lateral and 100% medial breach anticipation
• 97% screw placement accuracy (vs. 92% on average for navigation)
• 2/3 fewer pedicle perforations than with free-hand technique
• 3-fold reduction in neuro-monitoring alarms
• Up to 30% reduction in radiation
• 15% time saving during screw placement
• 58% breach rate reduction among surgical residents (http://spartanmedspine.com/spinal-technology/pediguard_spine_surgery.php)

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