OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Trinity Evolution is an allograft comprised of cancellous bone with viable osteogenic and osteoprogenitor cells retained within the matrix and a demineralized cortical bone component. Trinity Evolution offers an ideal alternative to autograft and other bone grafting options.

Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotential and capable of responding to their environment to differentiate into a variety of cells as needed. When implanted in patients, MSCs and osteoprogenitor cells do not stimulate an immune response.

Trinity Evolution is processed by the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF), a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing quality tissue. Every step, from donor screening to cryopreservation and pre-release testing, has been designed to maximize cell health and ensure patient safety.


Ensuring quality at every step:

• MTF is committed to excellence in tissue quality
• Cell health is preserved through donor selection, careful processing and vapor phase liquid nitrogen storage

Trinity Evolution supplies the three essential components for robust bone formation:

• Osteoconductive scaffold
• Verified osteoinductive potential
• A reliable number of viable cells retained within the bone matrix

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